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What to Expect

No two people’s life experiences, preferences, gene expression, and current lifestyle is the same so to improve one’s health, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. What worked for one person, may not work for you, and that’s ok! You and I will co-create an individualized wellness coaching approach by you, for you.

Here’s what you can expect and how the wellness coaching process works:

This discovery call (or “initial consultation”) is entirely free and there are no obligations. I’ll explain more about what wellness coaching is (and isn’t), we’ll see if we’re a good fit, and if you’d like to proceed we’ll talk about next steps. If not, that is your choice and I wish you nothing but the best on your journey to health and happiness!

If yes, we’ll schedule our first session and talk about what you really want for your health and your life. If you were happier, less stressed, and full of energy what would be possible? If you achieved your biggest health goals, what would those be and who would you be?

We’ll move into a schedule of 1:1 coaching sessions for as long as you need support. I’ll meet with you weekly or every-other-week; you get to decide the frequency based upon your schedule and how much support you think would be helpful. Each session we’ll talk about your progress towards your goals, challenges you’re facing, and how to continue the momentum.

When you’ve accomplished the goals you set out to achieve, shifted your mindset, and cemented new healthier habits, we’ll part ways and you will have newfound energy and confidence. How do you change the course of a battleship? One degree at a time. Small changes lead to big results. Our coaching partnership will generate momentum that will carry over into many aspects of your life. 

Working with me:

Abby’s personal coaching philosophy

You're the Expert

I believe that “you are the expert in your life.” What this means is that you are the expert in navigating your own life based upon personal preferences and past experiences. What worked for one person, may not work for you, and that’s ok. I provide structure to our sessions and serve as a facilitative partner to help you uncover what will work for you.

Judgment Free

Our relationship is a no judgement zone – there’s no judgment from me and I invite you to let go of any judgments of yourself. We can often be our own worst critic, but we find out that we’re also our own solution.


Laughter is the best medicine, or it might tie with adequate sleep! I’m not a drill sergeant and our sessions aren’t drudgery. I bring humor and light heartedness to our sessions while still being extremely productive.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. Therapy is often backward facing, asking “why” to problems, whereas coaching is forward-facing. A coaching conversation explores what ‘could be’ and is focused on building momentum towards the client’s goals.

Change is difficult, but coaching is powerful! Health coaching has been shown to…

Result in clinically relevant improvements in multiple biomarker risk factors (including systolic and diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting glucose, body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, and cardiorespiratory fitness) in diverse populations.

– American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine

Improve weight loss and help people maintain a lower weight for longer

– International Journal of Obesity

Lead to faster reduction of blood sugar levels in diabetic patients

Journal of Medical Internet Research

Lower total cholesterol levels in people with coronary heart disease

The Journal of the American Medical Association

Lessen feelings of depression and improve overall quality of life

Dove Medical Press

Encourage people to stick with the changes they’ve made long term

– American Academy of Family Physicians

Why our sessions are different.

Maybe you’ve worked with a professional in the past and you just didn’t get the results you were looking for. That could have been due to a lot of variables but was one of them that you felt he/she didn’t listen to your needs, likes and dislikes, responsibilities, and his/her “solution” didn’t fit within your lifestyle? Our sessions are highly personalized to your needs and what’s going to work for you.

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